Saturday, August 6, 2011

So Many Visitors =)

We were so blessed to have so many people come and see us. We spent 4 days and 3 nights in the hospital and every day but the last we had several visitors. Billy's parents were able to visit every day and bring Billy lunch and dinner which was a big help.

The day that Will arrived Lydia and Billy's parents were there before I was even out of recovery. Derek Taylor and Chef, Phil and Sybill Seawell, Jay Harris and Jared Plummer, and Carter, Christy and their little bun in the oven stopped by to visit later on that day. We got to even enjoy a cookie cake from Derek. (I was on a liquid diet only that day so I had to enjoy it the next day!)
On Sunday my dad and Sonia came and stayed for that whole week with us until Saturday. After church we had a group of people stop by, Chad and Raeanne Johnson, Blake and Amanda Derrick, Dave, Trisha, and their little bun in the oven and Trisha's sister, Hunter Whitt and his girlfriend, Hunter, Ravi, Melody and later that day Robyn, Billy's sister stopped by. Chad and Raeanne left and returned with Yogurt Mountain for us because their anniversary was that day and ours was the next. They said they wanted to celebrate with us. Blake and Amanda also left and Amanda came back a little later that day.
On Monday Robyn came back to visit before she left to go back home. During the day it was quiet but later after people got off work we had Amanda Derrick come visit again. Becky Thomson and Jennifer Lagrange and her husband, Andy from school stopped by after work. They even brought us Cookout milkshakes. (Our friends must have known we love ice cream.)
On Tuesday we went home around mid day. When we got home my dad and Sonia had did so much work around the house.

We were so excited to have so many people come visit and see our new addition!


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