Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Real Ones are In

The "long" wait is over. (It really hasn't been that long hence the quotation marks.) Our wedding pictures have arrived from our photographer, Dave Dutchess (my future-brother-in-law). They are awesome. I would love to post them all but there are way to many to post. I will just post a few that I like and I will let you go see the rest at Dave's website.

This was Dave's first wedding and I think he did an amazing job. Jessica, my sister, would tell me how nervous he was to do our wedding only because he wanted them to come out perfectly. There are several I love, there are several I like, and a few where I am too critical of myself. =) I can't wait to get some developed and have them hanging in our apartment.

Along with the picture CD, Dave and Jessica sent us a gift. A neat looking picture frame with this drawing of us kissing in it. I will have to post a picture of the picture frame and where it now sits in our home. It is one of my favorites!!!! As you can tell another one of our wedding pictures that Dave did is now our Blog picture. I would have to say this one is my all-time favorite out of all of them.

Here are a few of my favorites.

AJ's face in this one, cracks me up.

My mom and her parents

The moment I started to cry

A good picture of us both

The head table

My mom and I

Getting ready the day of

Dave took some pictures of Billy's car for him. This is the one I liked the best.

Billy and his mom

Billy and his guys

Just a neat picture

Some of my girls and I

Check out the rest of Dave's pictures at his website. Click the picture below and it will take you there.


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