Monday, July 25, 2011

A Twist in the Road

It has been awhile since I last posted something. Since my last post a lot has happened.

At 32 weeks, one of my doctor's noticed I was starting to measure a little larger than what I should be, meaning Will could be on the bigger side. She said if this trend continues they will do an ultrasound to see what he is measuring at.

At 37 weeks the ultrasound was finally ordered to see if he was going to be a 10 pound baby or not. We hadn't had an ultrasound since week 20 so we were very excited to see Will again. What they found out was not exactly what they were expecting. Will was weighing in at 6 pounds 9 ounces. But as the ultrasound tech was measuring him she asked us, "Did you know that he is breech?" This threw us for a loop. We didn't know what this meant and were eager to talk to the doctor about this. As we sat down and talked with the doctor he gave us 3 options. Option 1 deliver normally, option 2 try to turn him, and option 3 was to go ahead and schedule a C-section. Before we could choose, he threw option 1 off the table. He told us research has now shown that that option is not safe for either the baby or the mother. I know my head was still spinning from what we just learned that I was having a hard time deciding what we should do. The doctor gave some pros and cons for both. One thing that stuck with me was when he said that if you are planning on having more children it might be a good idea to try and turn him because C-sections can complicate future pregnancies.

So Billy and I decided to try and get him turned through a process caused a version. When we told him what we would like to do, he right away went and scheduled us an appointment for the next day at the hospital to try and turn him. He told us the best time to schedule such a procedure would be in the 37th week. All of this came on so sudden and came as a complete shock. We were so confused why they didn't find this out a little earlier. We learned that babies in the womb can turn and don't position their selves head down until about 36 weeks. So even if they did an ultrasound earlier they couldn't tell that he was going to be breech until week 36.

One of the shots we got taken to check out his size, but found out he was breech.


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